
Arya B

Arya Badiyan is a social and economic activist. She spent a decade climbing to the top of the corporate ladder shilling consumer products, then another decade co-founding new ventures, in search of a business model that could cure capitalism. Now she makes art, the most radical thing an activist can do.

Her media -- paint, story, poem, film, discourse.
Her message -- oneness, justice, healing, and a tour through the manifold rabbit-holes of metaphysics.
Her method -- techno-time-weaving with the essential tools of web3 and AI.

Arya’s work has won numerous international awards and has been used for healing discourse in some of the most traumatized communities in the United States.

Arya’s recent body of work is an exploration in GENERATIVE ART, collaborating with AI to visualize abstract conceptualizations on the themes of time, space, dimensions and consciousness.

Arya’s SOCIAL JUSTICE work explores the theme of emancipation in light of American founding values. The purpose of this work is to facilitate healing from the diseases of racism, sexism and American exceptionalism. The LIBERTY series deals with themes of systemic racism and the long legacy of America, built upon the sacrifice of Black lives. DESTINY recasts the greatness of America through the inheritance of our forgotten ancestors. FOUNDING FATHERS, HEROES AND SHEROES and POLICE LINE tell the stories and document the lives of our unsung (s)heroes and those who have lost their lives to injustice and oppression. Arya has put many of her artworks in the public domain, free to use and DOWNLOAD to support activists and educators.

ALCHEMY deals with issues of sexism and personal transformation. The VAULT is a selection of other work from 2010-2022.