

PRISON OF SELF, 2018 | oil and paper on canvas | 27x27”

REBIRTH, 2020 | oil, paper and ink on canvas | 27x27”

PRISON OF SELF, 2021 | animated GIF | 1:1 NFT — Listed on OpenSea

PRISON OF SELF, 2021 | animated GIF | 1:1 NFT — Listed on OpenSea

REBIRTH, 2021 | animated GIF | 1:1 NFT — Listed on OpeanSea

REBIRTH, 2021 | animated GIF | 1:1 NFT — Listed on OpeanSea

 HEAR the story about this piece


forgetting’s remembrance, a short film

Forgetting’s Remembrance is a spoken word poem set to original artwork. This award-winning short film is about the journey of the feminine. The poem narrates the inner thoughts of a girl that grows up with her femininity repressed, replaced by the masculine. She struggles to give voice to the power within her. Runtime 7:30. (viewer discretion is advised due to strong language).